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Royals were warned when Diana went on holiday with Fayed, sexual abuse accused

Several women have accused the Egyptian billionaire Al Fayed, who died in 2023 at the age of 94, of sexual assault, including rape. In the late 1990s, the businessman had good ties with Princess Diana. Once, she went on a holiday trip with Al Fayed, along with her two sons, Prince William and Harry. The trip was executed despite a warning by the former head of royal protection, Dai Davies.
According to a CNBC report, nearly 37 women have come forward and accused the Egyptian billionaire in sexual assault cases, including cases of rape. Out of the victims, six are Americans and one of them also gave an exclusive interview to US media outlet NBC News.
Al Fayed was the former owner of London’s luxury department store Harrods and was also featured in the Netflix series “The Crown,” a historical drama television series about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
(More to come)
